Friday, January 14, 2011

First day in Toledo, Spain

Hi All,
It is now 10:34pm in Toledo, Spain and I just thought I'd let you know how my day has been. So since it's my first day here this is pretty much how it started. Let's start off with yesterday, my family and I drove through yet another unforseen winter storm (but by now shouldn't us Minnesotans expect it? haha) so that I could get to the International airport 2 hours in advance for my lay over flight in Atlanta. However, because it's Minnesota and it snows all the time, the aircraft I was suppose to get on had some difficulties and therefore Delta had us switch to another plane which delayed us an hour. After all that waiting I finally arrived in Atlanta only to have to run to the next gate to catch my flight to Madrid (a flight that was only 20 minutes away, which wouldn't have mattered if the gate I was running to wasn't all the way on the other side of the terminal). Fortunately, the trip to Madrid was smooth sailing thanks to my friend called Dramamine. Once I landed I was so nervous that I would be a deer in the headlights when I met my host family. From Madrid my group and I took a bus to Toledo where I finally met my host mom, needless to say the nerves got the best of me and she could tell....yup I was a deer in the headlights! But luckily for me she is very understanding and is very patient. Not only was I already nervous but I had to meet both her daughters still. So once I reached the house I met the youngest one first and a few hours later the older one-----they spoke so fast and I just had to try my best to keep up. When the younger daughter was studying while the older sister was running errands and my host mom was at work, I took some time to brush up my Spanish with some helpful books that I bought for the trip. Once everyone was home we ate dinner at 10pm (which is pretty custom here) and afterwords I spent time with the family watching Colombian soap operas and conversing in between and afterwards. And what do you know I felt more comfortable and the sentences were just flowing out of my mouth. So if I can feel that way by the end of day once, I think I'll be alright. Not everything is easy and this immersion definitely falls into that category, but not giving up takes you that much further. Ok everyone I have an early day tomorrow but I just wanted to update you all, goodnight for me and good afternoon to all of you.


  1. Yay! So glad you made it safe and sound. Just wanted you to know that Hale and I are super excited/proud you decided to make this trip. This is going to be a life altering 5 months so live it up. Take lots of pictures!!


  2. glad to hear that despite the glitz you were able to get there in one piece. not to worry, you will adopt to your new environment in no time. miss safe.

  3. Yeah. Get into a little trouble. Have some fun and don't study too hard. School gets in the way of your social life, which is why you are there in the first place :)
