Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pastries pastries pastries!

Hey All,
It's time for another blog! So as I'm laying in bed ready to fall asleep I thought I'd chat a bit to wind down. Yesterday was my first official day of class in Toledo and because my classes are all in Spanish I was pretty nervous. First of all I slept in a little, got up, and got ready. Then I went to my bus stop which is right in front of my host family's apartment (yay! pretty convenient for me!) and I wrote down landmarks like the blue and green writing that spelt "Supermercado" (market place), the little restaurant in the corner, and the Spanish flag that hung on the top balcony of the apartment across from me (this way I wouldn't get lost going back home like I did on the second night I was here haha, well I guess I can laugh about it now, but in the moment ummm yea not so much lol). Lucky for me I met one of my classmates on the bus and once we got to Toledo from Poligono (accent on the "i") we walked together to class so we wouldn't get lost, and again, we looked for land marks like the McDonald's on the left corner of the plaza, the curve of the street, the hanging pots on one of the buildings, and finally the smell of fresh fish from the fish market! Once I got inside the school, often called La Fundacion (accent on the "o" lol), I had some time to kill so I just talked with other students. As the day went on and my classes started and ended I realized that I had nothing to be nervous about because the teachers although they are native Spanish speakers are very patient, kind, and understanding of the fact that the students are still getting situated to Toledo. Also, they always made sure we understood everything being said and they didn't mind repeating things too. So all in all yesterday was great, I was able to get home without getting lost, ichatted with my cousins and nephew, and had a great night with my host family!
Today, was another day at school but this time my class started early at 8:40am (as is the case on Wednesdays and Thursdays too, can't complain because I have every Friday off woohoo!) and I didn't have anyone to walk with to go to class and after turning the corner at McDonald's I got lost haha but it looked like I was going towards residential areas instead of shops so i turned around, saw the hanging pots, smelled the fresh fish, and finally got to school (even though i was 10 minutes late cough cough hahhaa)! Again, the teacher was great! Afterwards I hung out with a bunch of students from Notre Dame and it was then that the planning of trips became more real! They made a group on facebook with a list of places in Europe where people want to go and if it sounds interesting then you commit and go! A little bit after that I ate lunch with them and had a lot of fun getting to know them! Following that I went to a meeting that addressed "intercambio" a program where the students in "La Fundacion (accent on the "o")" get to pair up or double up with a student or adult ages 16-30 once a week for two hours so that we can practice our Spanish with a local and the local can practice their English with us. I think this program is a really good idea so I think I'll sign up for it tomorrow (might as well right?! Have to take advantage!)!
After the meeting I walked around Toledo again with friends to explore what we hadn't yet and the first thing we did was go to "El restaurante del cervezas" which is pretty much a bar haha! We ordered tinto de verano which kind of tastes like sangria (it was delicious for sure!). The funny thing is the guy that was serving us was nice enough to give us free food (woohoo)! Next we went to the pastry shop called "Santo Tome (with an accent on the "e")" and we finally got Mazapan, but to our surprise there were so many kinds so we asked the lady which was the best and she said "Mazapan delicias" (but to me it just looked like a regular pastry, nothing special, but I bought it anyway as well as a pastry that looks like a huge roll with some sort of filling and sprinkled coconut, but I'm saving that one for tomorrow hahaha). I'm so so so so glad that I bought a "Mazapan delicias" because it was three bites of heaven that I would love to have again! Seriously, it's amazing!!!!!!!! I was definitely wrong, that dessert IS something special and my stomach thanked me :D  
After this excursion I went home where I was totally caught off guard by my host mom...I got into the house and I went to her room and I said "Hola" and then she said that she had been waiting for me for lunch and decided to eat because she had been waiting for a long time but I remember that the night before I had told her that I wasn't going to be home until 7pm, so there was definitely a big miscommunication. She knew I had a meeting later in the day so she must have thought that I would come back home for lunch and then go back for the meeting. But in any case, I apologized a million billion quatrillion times because I felt so bad that she prepared lunch for me and waited for me and I never showed. However, after that little misunderstanding and my apologies she told me not to worry and two seconds later we were in the living room laughing together with her daughters and then we ate dinner at 9pm and watched Colombian soap operas for the rest of the night until we all went off to bed. I really wish I was adjusted already and that my Spanish was improved by leaps and bounds so that misunderstandings like this don't happen again. But I know I have to be patient and just be really attentive for now. Until next blog everyone, it's almost dinner time for you but time for me to get some shut eye! Chao!

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