Sunday, January 23, 2011

Night Out on the Town

Hey All,
I know it's been awhile since my last blog but there are just so many things to do in Spain and by the time I get back home all I want to do is crash lol. Don't worry though I won't neglect you :D Alright so where did I leave off in my last blog.....ok so it looks like the last thing I wrote about was eating at "El restaurante del cervezas" and having a misunderstanding with my host mom about lunch (oops).
Well since then I've been exploring Spain more and more (and eating more and more different foods too hahaha). For instance, on Wednesday my friends and I ate at a place called "El trebol" for lunch and we ordered "pulgadas" little sandwiches, mine had "adobo" in it (pretty inexpensive as well and the food was great!). After the "pulgadas" we split "una torta con frutas del bosque" (a cheesecake with fruits of the forest).
The following day there was a dinner at the school so that we could find our "Intercambios" (this is a program where American students are introduced to many native Spanish speakers and from that group we choose a person that we have a connection with and every week we meet with them and for one hour they practice their English with us and the next hour we practice our Spanish with them-great learning experience). I found my "intercambio" and couldn't be happier (my host family will thank her hahhaa). But before going to the dinner for the "intercambios" I wanted to straighten my hair so I plugged in the converter then plugged in my favorite hair straightener and waited, five minutes later I wondered if it was starting to heat up so I looked at it and I saw that it was melting, yes MELTING! I quickly unplugged it (was pissed off of course but glad I checked soon enough before burning the apartment down esssh!!!), took out the manual for the converter, and I found out that I need a voltage converter along with the other converter since the voltage in Europe is way higher than in the states GRRRRRRR (  so since I've been here my hair's been in a ponytail and I have to go to the mall to get another hair straightener tomorrow R.I.P favorite hair straightener D:  )!!!!!!!
But on a better note, on Friday I went on a bus tour of Toledo with the students from school and took a little nap at home before I went back to the city at 8PM to watch a play in the theater in Toledo (it was pretty interesting).
The next day I went to an Adventist Church with my host family from 9:30AM-1:00PM and it was pretty nice to see how it differed from the Catholic Church. During the service there was no communion so most of it was a pastor and the community preaching about the goodness of God and I did find that their form of worship included a lot (and I mean A LOT) of singing. Following the first part of the service, the congregation broke up into small groups to talk about and analyze a passage in the Bible. Then the preaching continued and shortly afterwards I was introduced to the congregation (which I was not expecting lol) and they told me to choose a number in the hymn book so that everyone could sing that song (the congregation was not all that big but it was nice that everyone knew everyone else-pretty close knit).
Once Saturday night rolled around I was ready for the nightlife (first night I've gone out since I've been here)! At 9PM my friend and I headed out for dinner at the apartment of some of the "intercambios" that we had previously met. They prepared little appetizers such as sandwiches, bread, salad, pizza, and of course they served us wine (really tasty wine at that)! After getting to know one another for a few hours we headed out for a NIGHT OUT ON THE TOWN! We hit up the first bar in Toledo everyone had a drink and danced, however, the music wasn't really to the Spaniards liking so they took us out to an even bigger and better bar that was full of people. After the drink that I had at this bar it must have been enough for me because for one: I was dancing (and I don't do that lol), two: I had to step outside for fresh air (it was really really hot in the club), three: my friends were giving me water outside, and four: I finally took a taxi home at 4AM and on the way back home I asked the taxi driver to stop and then I opened the door and threw up on the side of the highway (yup so I would say that this was my first drunken night in only live once right?! lol-----I'm just glad I didn't throw up in front of the Spaniards because that would have been embarrassing and they would have thought that I was a stupid American that can't hold my liquor in hahha and I'm also glad that I wasn't stumbling and that I just had a headache-----always have to look at the bright side right?!). Anyway, when I got home my key got stuck in the door and finally my host mom opened the door and she asked me how my night was and then we said goodnight (thank goodness she wasn't mad at me phew!). Then I went into my room and collapsed in my bed, when I woke up I had the worst headache and then my host sister made breakfast for me but when I looked at the food I just couldn't stomach it because it looked like a lot, however, I ate half of it and saved the rest for later (which I just ate yummy!) My host sister then asked me how my night was last night and if it was fun, I said yes but told her that I had a headache and she told me that's normal and that my body probably wasn't accustomed to this lifestyle yet lol! Afterwards, I drank lots of water ate some crackers, went back to bed and just woke up and am feeling much much better :D Alrighty all, until next blog!


  1. so far, all i am reading from your blog is all about food, nite out, exploring the place...what about school?
